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Wed, 25 Aug 2004

What fun!!!  I just can't thank you folks enough for your website!!!  I was born in 1953 in Washington, DC and grew up with Captain Tugg; Ranger Hal and the gang!  I can remember sitting in front of our swivel black and white TV to watch my favorite programs after school!  I was on the Pick Temple show and when I saw the membership card I just about lost it - after all those years I could almost repeat the pledge by heart!!!  What a rush to not only to see the pictures but to hear actual sound clips too!!!  BRAVO! 

I can't wait to tell my brother who was born in 1951 - he'll love your site too!!! ...

Liz Deering
Mon, 16 Aug 2004

 I used to watch Countdown Carnival faithfully.  My sister and I enjoyed watching "The Adventures of Superman".

Wasn't there a shady character named Mr. Scratch on Countdown Carnival?  I remember him running through the studios - he had thick, black moustache, if I remember right.

Dean Gilkey (childhood resident of Falls Church, VA)
Wed, 11 Aug 2004
I remember as a child how my late sister, cousin and I appeared on the
Claire and Co Co show. I believe the hostess was doing the show on children from the islands or foreign lands. Instead of us saying that we were from the U.S. Virgin Islands my last sister and I said the country that we we're born in.
Then there was a part in the show where Co Co barked at the child to be crowned ( can't recall what the crown was for) and I was the bless child to be crowned on the show.
Could you please tell me how I would go about getting a copy of when I appeared on the show? I know it's been more than 30 years but I would love to show my children.
Giselle A. Morch

Kap responds: I don't know of any surviving copies for sale of the Claire and Co Co shows.
Mon, 9 Aug 2004

I love your site!  I was born in Washington, DC, (lived in Alexandria & later on in Arlington, VA) in 1956.  I have fond memories of Ranger Hal from my youth.  I remember going on his show (for my birthday?) and
receiving some Hershey's syrup, a toy rifle for my brother, and two nearly identical dolls (that my brother later drew mustaches on).  Much later, I was delighted to meet Ranger Hal - again - at the Loudoun Campus of
Northern Virginia Community College, where I was secretary to the Provost.  He graciously took my family and me on a tour of his home (an old Civil War era home - very quaint) and I was even on another taped show
about him!  He was a sweet, sweet man with the same hearty laugh I recalled from my youth.   He will be sorely missed.

Other memories I have from the 50's & 60's:  the big console t.v. w/stereo, Captain Kangaroo, Bozo the Clown, a stuffed Rin Tin Tin dog on which I used to sit to watch t.v. (long lost), Wonder Horse, my Thumbelina
doll (dearly beloved), the Chatty Cathy doll I still own (although now she merely mumbles), Barbie (although my brothers used to make Ken fight Barbie when I wanted him to kiss her!  I still have my original Midge and Skipper, but I game them haircuts a long time ago.), my Tressy doll, metal roller skates w/key, metal jacks - aaahhh!  Those were the days!  Now I feel quite old when I go into Cracker Barrel restaurants and see my old stuffed sock monkey for sale!

Jean Johnson
5 Aug 2004

I am another adult who grew up in the mid 1950's. I am interested in  getting all the info I can on Captain Astro. I collect old vintage toys  (many that I owned new as a kid), and I have several items. I have 2 of
the Captain Astro Ray Guns (one complete in the box) and one loose. I  also have a Captain Astro lunch box. I would like to find more data on  this character, as I do research on many of the old toys I have  collected. Also pictures and facts on the actor who played him would be most valued.  ...
Any help would be appreciated.


Kap responds: Except for a one-time appearance, promoted by Countdown Carnival's Bill Gormly, I'm afraid I don't have any info on Captain Astro. 
Tue, 3 Aug 2004

My dad, Dr. Irvin Levin, and his friend Dr. Ben Alexander did live science
experiments on Claire & Co Co. Both were PhDs at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.  They were unique as a scientific team, especially in the racial turmoil of the 1960s since Dr. Alexander was African-American and my Dad was white.  They were excellent friends. Both have passed on.  
Claire Kleess was very nice to us when my brothers and I were studio
kids on the show.

I'd love to have a video of my dad and Dr. Alexander on the show doing
experiments, or at least a photo.  Any way to trace that kind of thing?

Ms. Syril Kline
Mon, 2 Aug 2004

I enjoy your page about DC kids programs as I lived in the Washington area when I was a kid. Just wanted to tell you that there is an article in the Daytona Beach News-Journal today about Gordon Williamson who was the creator, producer and performer on the Hoppity Skippity program.

Here is the link: Gordon Williamson article

Fri, 23 Jul 2004

I received a call from my mother today. She was born and raised in the D.C. area. She recalled The Pick Temple Show, and asked me to see what information I could find on it. I looked at your site. It's very interesting. Perhaps you can help.

She and my father spoke about the show for a bit, and argued over who shot the snake, whatever
that means. My  mother claims she still has her guns.

Today, July 23rd, is her birthday. I was wondering if there are any of the recordings of the shows in distribution, and how, if there are, to purchase them. I would love to surprise her with them. I also wouldn't mind seeing them, myself.  ...

Joseph Corbin

Kap responds: I'm sorry to report that there are no known surviving copies for sale of the virtual thousands of TV shows that Pick Temple hosted over his long run on television.
Mon, 12 Jul 2004

My father, Nat Wright, worked at WTTG in the late'50's as a man-of-all-work.  When Captain Tugg went on vacation, my dad filled in for him on the show.  He was called "Rusty Hull" and had to wear a pair of rubber overalls, and a white wig and a moustache.  I remember being called inside to watch my dad in his "Rusty" getup lip-synching to Danny Kaye's "Thumbelina" on TV.  He said the gig was the worst thing he had to do; wearing the rubber overalls under the hot lights caused him to develop a wicked case of heat rash.
One day, my dad was hanging around Pick's studio while Pick was doing his program.  When the four kids were chosen to fire at the balloons; a small black kid kept missing the balloons. My dad says the technician with the pin had dropped it, and was frantically looking for it. When the tech finally found the pin and popped a balloon, there was a big close-up of the kid's
face as he triumphantly shouted:" that m**********r THAT time!"  Pick quickly said: "yes, you sure did-how 'bout we see what Popeye's up to?" and motioned for a cartoon to run!!! My dad was laughing so hard he fell down!  Pick just shrugged it off.
My parents could have gotten me an invitation to Pick's show through his work, but they decided I was too volatile for live television!!!
I love this website!!!!!!!!!!
Beth Williams

Kap adds: Beth has provided us with photos and information on her dad. Watch for a webpage on Nat Wright and "Rusty Hull" in the future.
Tue, 6 Jul 2004

Whatever happened to Claire Kleess?  Where is she now?

Pat Murphy

Kap replies: Indications are that Claire (now in her 70s) still resides in the Washington, DC metro area.  If anyone is in touch with Ms. Lyons, please tell her that her Claire and Co Co fans would love to know what she has been up to.  Ask her to write me at:

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. David P. Samson (left) as Elmer Fishpaw in John Waters' POLYESTER
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Page Revised: 8/26/04

Kappy's Top Twenty
Bozo by M. Fischer, © 1946 Capitol Records, Inc., Bozo TM & © 2004 Larry Harmon Pictures Corp. All Rights Reserved)
Bozo the Clown
Billy Johnson
Billy Johnson
Lee Reynolds as Cap'n Tugg
Cap'n Tugg
Howard Huge of Kids' Break
Kids' Break
Dick Dyszel as the third Captain 20
Captain 20
Pete Jamerson 1977 by Trisha Katson, GMU
Pete & His Pals
Cindy Lou Dahl of Melody Ranch
Cindy Lou's Ranch
Pick Temple and Lady
Pick Temple
Claire Lyons and Co Co
Claire & Co Co
Hal Shaw as DC's Ranger Hal
Ranger Hal
Bob Porter as Cousin Cupcake
Cousin Cupcake
Miss Connie on Romper Room
Romper Room
Bill Gormley of Countdown Carnival
Countdown Carnival
Sam & Friends
Lee Reynolds as Grandpa
Grandpa's Place
Curly, Larry and Moe as The Three Stooges
Three Stooges
Jules Huber as Hoppity Skippity
Hoppity Skippity
Darrell Drummond of Time For Science
Time For Science
Mike Hunnicutt
Mike Hunnicutt
Dick Dyszel on WOW
Complete List of Shows
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