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"Pete and His Pals"
Pete Jamerson (right) with Michael Ansara on Pete and His Pals Show
Aired on WMAL-TV 7
July 1957 to April 1962
(July 1957 to 9/12/57)
6:00 - 6:30PM, Thursdays
(9/16/57 to 11/1/57)
12:00 N - 1:00PM, Mon to Fri
6:00 - 6:30PM, Thursdays
(11/1/57 to 10/10/58)
12:00N - 1:00PM, Mon to Fri
(10/13/58 to 7/9/59)
8:00 - 9:30AM, Mon to Fri
(7/12/59 to 5/12/61)
8:00 - 9:00AM, Mon to Fri
(5/13/61 to 9/2/61)
8:00 - 9:00AM, Mon to Fri
10:00 - 11:00AM, Saturdays
(9/9/61 to 12/23/61)
10:00 - 11:00AM, Saturdays
(12/30/61 to 1/13/62)
10:00 - 11:30AM, Saturdays
(1/20/62 to 4/28/62)
10:00 - 11:00AM, Saturdays
Ad From The Evening Star, Monday 9/16/1957
Ad From The Evening Star, Monday 9/16/1957,
Premiere of "Pete and His Pals" at 12 Noon.
Pete Jamerson as "Pete" (in the top photo, wearing straw hat and
striped coat, greeting Michael Ansara of ABC-TV's "Broken Arrow").
Broadcast live from WMAL-TV Connecticut Avenue/Van Ness studios
with puppet adventures and cartoons.

Pete Jamerson promoting Hot Shoppes (Donated by Ralph Bull)
 Pete Jamerson on the set of "Pete & His Pals", (not "Pete's Place" as captioned). 
 (From a 1958 article in Marriott Corporation's "Hot Sauce" Magazine) 
  (Donated by Ralph Bull)

Pete Jamerson had done the "Pete's Place" program and other air work,
(like "Peter Jamerson's Matinee For You", on weekdays,
1:30 to 2:30PM, in 1954), at competitor WTTG-TV 5 until Spring 1957.

Later he did a different show for TV-7 titled "P.J.'s Club". 
At one time he worked for WMAL-TV 7 News and as a staff announcer.

Pete Jamerson at Glen Echo (Courtesy: Richard Cook)
Pete Jamerson at Glen Echo
 (Courtesy Richard Cook of The Glen Echoes)
Mark Wright writes:
"I have vague recollections of 'Pete & His Pals', and some more concrete ones, such as the time my mother and I were having lunch at the drug store soda fountain downstairs in the same building that housed the WMAL-TV Connecticut Avenue studios. My eyes popped out of my head, because there sitting down the counter from us was Pete in that red and white striped coat. I was too shy to go up and say hello, but I remember that moment like it was yesterday."

"As for the other strong memory... the theme song was what I believe
to be called 'Orpheus in a Jam', also known as the Can-Can song."
Pete at Glen Echo (Courtesy: Richard Cook)
Pete Jamerson at Glen Echo
 (Courtesy Richard Cook of The Glen Echoes)
In 1977, Trisha Katson spoke to Pete Jamerson for an article titled "Whatever Happened To Those Kiddie Show Hosts?". She wrote that Jamerson provided live, ad-lib voices for over a dozen "Pete & His Pals" puppets, (co-produced with director Charlie Stopack). Jamerson told Katson; 
"It was a very off-the-cuff, relaxed sort of approach."
NPR's Alex Chadwick (Photo: Antony Nagelmann for NPR)
NPR's Alex Chadwick
(Photo: Antony Nagelmann)
Pete produced and directed musicals in Fairfax Co. with local high school kids for "S.T.A.G.E., Inc.". 

Karen Callen shares: "I was in those S.T.A.G.E. shows Pete spearheaded in the late '60s.  The acronym stood for "Summer Theatre And Good Entertainment."  Pete and his wife, Cornelia, were great to all of us kids.  I dated his stepson, then known as Sandy Jamerson.  Sandy's legal name is Alexander Chadwick, better known now as Alex Chadwick of NPR and National Geographic."

The printed
TV listings
from Saturday
mention a special;
"Pete Presents
Space Explorers"
Still Frame Courtesy of John V. from Jerry Beck's Web Site at
Read more about
"Space Explorers"
Image Courtesy: John V. at
Jerry Beck's Web Site at:
After leaving Channel 7, for many years Jamerson hosted 
a morning program at classical WGMS 103.5 FM/570 AM radio.
March 1977 Ad From Washingtonian Magazine for Pete's WGMS Radio show (Donated by Dave Statter)
Pete Jamerson in the '70s at WGMS Radio (Washingtonian Magazine) Donated by Dave Statter
Pete Jamerson in the Mid'70s at WGMS Radio 
From an ad in Washingtonian Magazine
March 1977 Issue (right) 
(Images Donated by Dave Statter)

Scott Wykoff wrote in the DCRTV Mailbag:
"My first job in radio was with Pete at WMER (1440) in Portland, Maine. Pete hosted a morning information show on the talk and business station. Pete retired to Maine but still had the radio bug and worked at the station for several years. He also had a love for the water and enjoyed spending time on his boat in Casco Bay. I was sad to hear a few years ago that Pete had passed away. He was a good friend and a true gentleman. "

Sources: "Whatever Happened To Those Kiddie Show Hosts?" by Trisha Katson, 1977, George Mason Univ.'s Phoebe Magazine, (provided by John Ahmad & Jack Maier).  Basic data by "John" 3/14/00 and Scott Wykoff, 3/16/00 in DCRTV Mailbag. Thanks also to Mark Wright. WGMS ad (Washingtonian Magazine) and photo of Pete with headphones provided by Dave Statter. Glen Echo photos courtesy Richard Cook of The Glen Echoes. Marriott photo donated by Ralph Bull. Link to by Chuck Stoltz. Airtimes confirmed from TV listings in the Washington Post and Evening Star newspapers.
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 David P. Samson (left) as Elmer Fishpaw in John Waters' POLYESTER
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